All about muscles building

On speaking up For the past few weeks I’d find myself a few moments of feeling insecure on classroom participation. Surrounded by other students who have asked brilliant questions, doubts would creep into my head. Inferiority complex would hit me where I’d spend more time thinking about how smart other people are and how I’m…

Balancing act

School work, career, and relationships. Which one do you prioritize the most? After coming back from Vegas, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed and behind on work. Work meaning all the things I that I want to do (building career landscape, building personal reputation) against all the things that I have to do (homework). What are some…

TV will never be the same (May 3rd, 2021)

data creeping into creative writing – you can make good tv with data, but never great tv. licensing – the end of syndication rights with streaming. diversity in hollywood- taking risks vs. raising new talents.

TinyHabits – building behavioral change for the group (May 5th)

TinyHabits – building behavioral change for the group. All behaviors consist of 3 elements: motivation, ability, and the prompt. Motivation vs. Ability To make change easier, you can increase the motivation (which can be fickle), or you can make the desired action easier to do. That means breaking things down into specific processes instead of…

Writers write (April 27th)

We had a famous writer, producer, director who shared her journey of leaving the corporate world into the creative side. Her no bullshit attitude brought us into her room to allowed us to see her journey through her eyes. We learned about the same fear and doubts that she went through as she navigated her…

Oscars wins (April 26th)

Oscars celebrations Quite a year for the Oscars nominees and recipients. Lots of celebration across talents from different corners of the world – reflective of today’s world on the strive for more diversity. I hear chatters that folks were disappointed Chadwick didn’t win best actor. Huge congrats to Chloe Zhao for her many, many recognition…

Yes or no to Hong Kong’s protest? (April 25th)

Are you Pro the Hong Kong Protest? Overheard an interesting conversation my classmates had on their views of the Hong Kong protest that’s been lingering in my head. I wasn’t for the protest. I thought the protest made Hong Kong in a worse position than they were before. It wouldn’t been better to play the…

Content changes perception (April 23rd)

What do you think it’ll take for more foreign film / tv import into the US? Gotta work on the subtitles and the dubbing to get middle America willing to watch the content. Also, maybe we’re focusing on the wrong generation. We think that we’re serving the tastemakers and the curators, but once people pass…

Leaders show up (April 21st)

Had an incredible Q&A session with John Foley yesterday in class. John exemplifies a balance of a fierce leader, visionary, non-complacency, but with the poise and composure of a seasoned captain. There’s no doubt that he’s passionate about what he’s doing, but his calmness and neutral tone made everything he said sounds even more convincing….

Asking question is an art (April 20th)

One thing I’m learning is the art of asking thoughtful questions. The MBA students here are able to phrase the question eloquently and ask thought provoking questions that are relevant to the class. That’s one thing that I’m still dabbling about. The skillful ones are able to frame their questions that’s topical to what we’re…